TEAM approach

The Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Network uses this method in tropical forests to monitor biodiversity and assess long-term trends in wildlife populations. 

The TEAM protocol was designed to monitor biodiversity in tropical forests using a standardised, repeatable methodology that allows for the collection of comparable data across various ecological settings. The core principles of the TEAM protocol include:

  1. Standardised Site Selection: Ensuring that survey sites reflect the habitat heterogeneity within the study area.

  2. Fixed Camera Placement: Setting up cameras in a uniform grid or systematic layout to avoid biases in species detection.

  3. Consistent Sampling Duration: Conducting surveys over the same period annually to monitor temporal changes.

  4. Data Uniformity: Using consistent equipment, camera settings, and protocols for image analysis and data recording.

By adhering to these principles, the TEAM approach allows for the generation of data that can be compared across different geographical regions, enabling researchers to detect global biodiversity trends.